
About Us

Latvian Peat Association is a society whose aims are:

  • to stimulate the development of Latvian peat producers’ industry;
  • to use peat resources in a rational, environment-friendly and sustainable manner; to preserve environmental diversity and bog resources;
  • to stimulate scientific researches relevant to the industry;
  • to represent and defend professional and economical interests of its members and industry in general.

Established: in 1996

Unites: 20 peat producers in Latvia, 7 companies related to peat industry (Associate members), 11 Honorary members and 2 Scientific members,  in total - 40 members

Structure: the meeting of members, board and council



Gunārs Cankalis Chairman of the Council

Edijs Ločmels member of the Council

Renārs Skudra member of the Council

Dainis Aļeksējevs member of the Council

Ieva Auniņa member of the Council


Ingrīda Krīgere member of the Board

Mg. sc. soc., 1997. LLU, Bc. agr 1995.LLU. 10-year experience in the management of public organizations and 16-year experience in the management of companies. Since March 2015 is the member of the Board of Latvian Peat Association

Latvian Peat Association has entered contract No. SKV[1]TL-2022/26 with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency for support of the measure “International promotion of competitiveness” program co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.